Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Who doesn't love Brussel Sprouts?

It was a frosty morning when I woke up, the temperature outside according to my thermometer read 8 degrees, although weather man was saying it was 20. I think the thermometer is a little off but it was still freezing out.

With the temps falling the way they are I'm glad I finally renewed my gym membership.
Over the weekend it was time to rack off the last 15 gallons of fermenting wine into the glass carboys to finish fermenting and clearing up until January.
First up was the Cabernet Sauvignon, which I added some oak to at the beginning of fermentation. This is going to be a lighter version of Cab. Sauv. due to being fermented with out the skins. When we picked up the juice at Fulkerson, they had informed us that the skins had gone moldy and were not available. The skins are what gives the wine its deep red color. So this will be more of a blush, not what i wanted but it will still taste good.

After siphoning the wine into a glass carboy all that is left is the yeast at the bottom.
 And now its ready to hang out in the basement until January, see how light in color it is compared to the deep red De Chaunac next to it.

Next up was the 10 gallons of the Vidal.
 There, 30 gallons of wine, see how much clearer the Gewurztraminer on the right is compared to the Vidal. The Vidal still has the yeast suspended in the wine but in only 2 weeks it should look like the Gewurz., maybe clearer.
 Now i just have to forget about the wine for the next 2 months, although doesn't it look like I need to fill in that space in the middle with another batch?
We had gone over to my parents house to pick the last of the brussel sprouts in their garden so I decided I would make a quick meal with some of them.First I cut them in half and sauteed them in some oil, garlic, salt and pepper.
 Next I added about 6 cups of vegetable broth, spices to your taste and bring to a boil.
Then add some farfalle (or bowtie) pasta and cooked until done and add some corn starch to thicken.
And there you go, a quick creamy brussel sprout soup.

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