Tuesday, December 7, 2010

100 Gallons of beer and 2 feet of snow

I have been trying to increase my brewing production slowly every year. Last year i really didn't brew much due to moving and not having the time to dedicate to a day of beer making. This year I set my goal to reach the 100 gallon mark, and over the weekend I reached that goal by brewing my 100th Gallon IPA. Its really not much different from my other IPA's, just the addition of Melanoidin malt which will give it a redness.
 Just over 15 lbs of grain will make this my normal over-the-top alcohol beer that i love. Then add some Cascade hops to the Lauter Tun for that nice bitterness, and this one should be good and ready for the new year.
 This is the 3rd beer I've brewed in my new brewshop configuration, now that the weather had turned cold, and I am really liking it. Next year im planning on having a new garage and a new permanent brewshop so this is helping me to figure out what works best for me.
 It snowed the whole day while brewing but the brewshop kept warm with the burner going, it was actually quite toasty in there.
 Above was last weeks IPA which I siphoned off into a carboy for clearing and the new batch was poured onto the left over yeast. Pouring the new beer onto yeast that was used in a previous batch results in a quick start to the fermentation process. Normally it wouldn't really get going until the next day, this can create off flavors by allowing bacteria to settle in, but with this method it takes off right away. This is a video after just 2 hours.
As the yeast feeds on the sugars, it creates alcohol and co2, which you see bubbling out of the bucket and it the jar of sanitized water.
 Like i said, it had snowed all brewday thanks to the lake effect snow band parked right over top of us. This is how it looks right after brewing as Riley and I played outdoors before it got dark
And this is the next morning, we now have about 2 feet of snow on the ground and more coming. I can't wait to get the skis out tonight!

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