Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Beer, wine, pizza and the end of summer

Yesterday was one of those amazing fall days, well last day of summer anyways, so lucky me i got to spend a good portion outdoors. It is crazy how fast the leaves have been changing around here, I really did not notice until i was out and decided to take a few pictures.
Then when i got home i took afew more, this hill i swear started to changed over night.
Even our maple is getting a lot of orange and yellow.
As the Double Rainbow Guy would say "what does it all mean?"
 To me it means its time to get the wine making gear ready. Next weekend while in the Finger Lakes for my marathon  we will be picking up 6 gallons of Gewurztraminer and 12 gallons of  De Chaunac. So I've been working on getting all the equipment cleaned and sanitized.
This year we will be producing a total of 30 gallons so we have been working on collecting as many bottles as we can, which i don't mind at all. In all we will need around 160 bottles this year.
We are getting there, and we have till April and July when we will be bottling this years wine. Here is a pic of last years on my makeshift wine rack. I'm hoping we can do our kitchen addition next years with a nice basement wine cellar included.
While i was down there i decided it was finally time to keg IPA #1 of my 4 week IPA replenishment project. This week will be the final 5 gallons of the 20 gallons i wanted to have before changing over to wine production. This is last weeks fermenting like crazy.
With weeks 1 and 2 clearing up in the secondary fermenter.
IPA #1 getting ready to be siphoned into the keg.
I can't wait to start drinking this, the hoppy smell is just amazing.

Now it is in its proper home, adding some carbonation and ready to try this weekend.
With all this work down in the brew cave, i have little time to really make something for dinner. So i thought I'd just share a quick 10 min pizza i like to create just for these occasions.
First i use Flatout Flatbread for the crust, Some sauce (any tomato sauce will do), Some Daiya Mozzarela Cheese, and what ever toppings i have on hand. I had some jalapeno and Hungarian wax peppers from the garden and a few slices of tomato.
and of course a glass of my Harvest Ale, which i recently added an ounce of homegrown hops to the keg. Now it tastes like a nice harvest beer.

Bring on the Fall!

1 comment:

  1. Gewurztraminer is one of my favorite wines...let me know how it turns out!! Recently, I had to pronounce it for a young Polish's funny, I would think that Europeans would just have this kind of stuff down pat ;) happy brewing and good luck with the race this weekend!!!
