Friday, October 1, 2010

Finally its October

Every Thanksgiving my Grandmother would make the most delicious grape pie ever. So last year i decided to make some filling so that i could make some grape pies. On a fall trip to the Finger Lakes we picked up a bunch of concord grapes then I got grandma's old recipe out and went to work.
First rinse the grapes, then squeeze out the pulp into a bowl, reserving the skins in a separate bowl. Then boil the pulp for about 5 minutes to loosen the seeds. Using a colander or food mill, separate and discard the seeds from the cooked pulp. Now combine the hot pulp with the reserved skins and add sugar, about 1 cup to 5 1/2 cups of grape. Let this mixture set for at least 5 hours, or overnight. This step will soften the skins and color the pulp. Then i put 3 cups to a freezer bag to store in the freezer for future use. To make the pie you have to thicken up the mixture with some tapioca or flour. I never really get around to making pies though, so i have about 6 bags of grape pie filling sitting in the freezer. So the other morning i decided to make some grape waffles. I cheated and used pre-made waffle mix and added some scoops of the frozen mixture to the batter.
They taste amazing, I've been eating these all week. I didn't even have to add anything to the waffles, They have just the right amount of sweetness to them, I ate them plain.
Today I am feeling great, did my last 4 mile run on Wednesday and it felt really good. I have tons of energy right now but I'm just trying to relax and not do to much. Keeping up with my carb intake and resting, that is the best thing i can do right now. I made some amazing bread I've been snacking on all day, thanks to the (never home)makers blog for the recipe (its amazing).

 Now i can't wait for Sunday to get here!!! Tomorrow its up early to pick up the grape juice at Fulkerson, then to Corning to pick up my race number and do a little shopping. Monday i'll give a nice weekend recap and let you know how everything goes. Oh and I forgot the most important news, I got my Tickets in the mail!!! Headed to Providence for my B-Day :)

Have a good weekend everyone!!!

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